Life Insurance

Provide for your family's future.

familyPlease join our Association by purchasing a Life Insurance Certificate (Policy) today. We will be happy to have you as a New Member of the William Penn Association.

We are licensed in the following states:

CA, CT, DE, DC, FL, IL, IN, KY, MD, MA, MI, MO, NE, NJ, NY, NC, OH, PA, VA, WV, and WI.


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Permanent Life Insurance Contracts


Ordinary Life- Issue Ages 0-85

A William Penn Association Ordinary Life Plan offers you the greatest amount of insurance protection for the lowest premium. It’s designed to help you meet your financial goals while providing financial security for your loved ones.

This plan can be tailored to meet your financial needs, both present and future. You select the schedule of premium payments; annual, semi-annual, quarterly or monthly – whichever is most convenient for you. Plus, with its excellent cash value growth, this plan can provide an emergency fund or a valuable source of income later in life.

This plan offers “banded” premiums. Premium bands are from $1,000 to $24,999, $25,000 to $49,999 and $50,000 and above. The higher the band, the lower your rate will be. Preferred rates are available for amounts over $25,000.

This plan is best suited for those seeking the highest level of permanent insurance for the lowest possible cost.


Ordinary Life Senior Special – Issue Ages 56-85

The special Ordinary Life Senior Special plan was developed for seniors with underwriting risks accepted at standard rates through Table 4 ratings. In other words, members with some common health issues such as high blood pressure and diabetes may qualify for insurance at standard rates. Smokers and tobacco users pay the same premium as non-tobacco users.

Benefits are offered in annual premium “units” of $200.00 and $400.00 using five (5) year age groups with issue ages 56 through 85 nearest birthday. This plan cannot be issued at rated premiums above Table 4.

The Ordinary Life Senior Special is best suited for members over the age of 56 who are looking for a competitively-priced permanent plan of insurance.


Single Premium Whole Life- Issue Ages 0-85

Here’s a plan which allows you to purchase a fully paid-up whole life insurance plan for one lump sum payment – and even allows you to spread the “single-payment” out over 3 years.  (Some restrictions apply). This is how the Single Premium whole life plan works for you:

  • One payment is made. No future payments are necessary (unless you opt for the 3-year payment option.)
  • The policy is fully paid-up upon payment of the single premium.
  • The guaranteed cash value is available as loan collateral in the first year.
  • Cash value continues to increase annually even though you pay no additional premiums.
  • Dividends are anticipated at the end of the second policy year.

This plan offers protection and security for you and your family through its versatile policy provisions. Throughout your life, a William Penn Association Single Premium Whole Life Plan provides instant and growing savings through the policy’s cash values. These guaranteed cash values mean you will have:

  • Emergency fund; up to 90% your cash value may be borrowed at interest or pledged as loan collateral.
  • Money for your retirement years.
  • After your death, the policy provides your beneficiary with the financial security of a tax-free death benefit.
  • This plan is an excellent alternative to an annuity and is often used for wealth transfer or estate planning.
  • This lifetime of protection and security for you and your family is available for only one, low premium.

The single premium whole life plan is best suited for those seeking to transfer assets to their heirs on a tax-preferred basis, or eliminate their future premium payment obligations.


20 Pay Life – Issue Ages 0-85

A William Penn Association 20 Pay Life Plan offers permanent insurance with premium payments for 20 years, or until the death of the insured, if earlier. It offers our highest cash value due to the limited premium paying period. You select the schedule of premium payments; annual, semi-annual, quarterly or monthly — whichever is most convenient for you.

Similar to the Ordinary life, this plan also offers “banded” premiums. Premium bands are from $1,000 to $24,999, $25,000 to $49,999 and $50,000 and above. Preferred rates are available for amounts over $25,000.

The 20 payment life plan is best suited for those wanting a permanent life plan with their premium payments limited to just 20 years.


Life Paid Up At Age 65 – Issue Ages 0-60

The Life Paid Up at Age 65 plan is an excellent way to maintain a lifetime of insurance protection for you and your loved ones while paying premiums only during your income earning years. Premiums are payable to age 65 or the death of the insured if earlier.

The issue ages are 0 through 60 (nearest birthday).

Similar to our other permanent plans of insurance, this plan offers “banded” premiums. Premium bands are from $1,000 to $24,999, $25,000 to $49,999 and $50,000 and above. Preferred rates are available for amounts over $25,000.

The Life Paid Up at Age 65 plan is best suited for those seeking a permanent plan of insurance with premiums being paid during their working years, and fully paid-up at age 65.


Almost Guaranteed Issue Special – Issue Ages 21-55

This Almost Guaranteed Issue Special plan was developed for issue ages 21 through 55 with attractive age-blended premium rates and a choice of using the Ordinary Life or Life Paid Up at Age 65 insurance plan.

The issue ages for the Ordinary Life insurance plan are 21-55.

The issue ages for the Life Paid Up at Age 65 plan are 21-45.

These special plans are sold with (banded) face amounts of insurance of $10,000, $15,000, 20,000 and $25,000 with ten (10) year age groupings nearest birthday.

Similar to our Ordinary Life Senior Special, this special plan can be issued at standard rates up to a Table 4 rating using a regular life application. This plan cannot be issued at rated premiums above Table 4.

Similar to the Senior Special, the Almost Guaranteed Life plan is best suited for younger members that are seeking a higher amount of permanent life insurance coverage but might have minor health issues such as diabetes or high blood pressure.

Term Life Insurance Contracts

Juvenile Term

Single Premium Juvenile Term – Special – Issue Ages 0-21 

  • Your child will be protected today and tomorrow. Our Single Premium Juvenile Term to Age 25 provides $20,000 of term insurance until age 25 for a one-time low-cost single payment.

 Annual Premium Juvenile Term – Special – Issue Ages 0-21 

  • Your child will be protected today and tomorrow. Our Annual Premium Juvenile Term to Age 25 provides $20,000 of term insurance to age 25 for a low-cost annual payment of $25.

Our Juvenile term plans are best suited for parents (or grandparents) wishing to give their child or grandchild a solid start to their financial future. Both plans are convertible to any permanent plan of insurance at age 25, and premium credits are available upon conversion.

Annual Renewable Term – Issue Ages 16-70

A William Penn Association Yearly Renewable Term Plan offers you a low-cost plan of insurance protection when your family’s needs may be the greatest. With this flexible plan, you can keep your coverage as long as you feel is necessary by renewing your policy annually. Renewable to age 90. Or, at renewal time prior to your age 70, you can convert your coverage to any permanent plan of life insurance then being offered by the Association.


10 Year Renewable & Convertible Term – Issue Ages 16-65

This plan offers you valuable insurance protection at very affordable rates. The death benefit and premiums are level and payable for ten years. At the end of each ten year period, benefits may be renewed at the option of the insured upon payment of premium applicable to their nearest age.


10-20-30 Year Level Term – Issue Ages 20-70

These plans offer level premiums and death benefits for the duration of the term period. Coverage terminates at the end of the term period but can be converted to any permanent plan prior to age 70. Best suited for those seeking higher amount of insurance for a limited period of time, and are often combined with an Ordinary life plan to provide you with both permanent and temporary coverage at an affordable price.

Our term plans are best suited for members that are seeking the greatest amount of insurance for the lowest possible costs, or to cover a specific need such as a mortgage or income replacement during their working years.​


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