Our Blog

Important Information for our Members
2016 Event Photos!

2016 Event Photos!

As you might already know, we upload photos from our events to Flickr. Just recently, the 2016 events were uploaded. These events include the Bowling Tournament, Golf Tournament, Hungarian Heritage Experience (Language Camp) and the Picnic, which turned out to be a...

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Something For The Kids

Something For The Kids

Life insurance is a gift children will grow to appreciate. AT THE WPA golf tournament this July, I was approached by a good friend and fellow member, Frank, who said to me: “Hey Bob, why don’t you run an article about the greatest gift a grandparent can buy for their...

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Domain and Email Changes

Domain and Email Changes

Since mid July, we have been using our new domain name wpalife.org. It was a fairly silent transition, as forwarding from our old address occurred with no issues. It was posted at our Annual Golf Tournament that the switch would be taking place. So for those of you...

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Spanning Generations

Spanning Generations

Helping Millennial families meet their financial needs. AMONG THE MOST rapidly growing markets for life insurance today are Generation X and Generation Y. Generation X (or “Gen X”) includes those born between 1965 and 1980, while the larger Generation Y (aka...

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Catch the Fraternal Spirit!

Catch the Fraternal Spirit!

Join us for a full slate of great events this summer and fall THE FRATERNAL DEPARTMENT is hopping. We have a very busy summer and fall planned for you. I hope you are planning to attend as many of our events as possible. Before I begin updating you on all that’s...

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Committed To You

Committed To You

The importance of having a professional insurance agent PROFESSIONAL INSURANCE AGENTS and brokers are an essential link between the Association and our members. Our agents help our membership by providing and servicing our products, by educating our members on how to...

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Our Latest Magazine

January/February WPL Download