Coronavirus and WPA

As our nation and the world continue to battle the coronavirus, we at William Penn Association continue to adapt to a new reality.
First of all, we wish to thank you, our members, for your patience and understanding during this trying time. Our dedicated team of Home Office employees – all of whom have been working reduced hours and many of whom have also been working from their homes–have made every effort to service your needs and answer your questions on a timely basis. We appreciate your continued trust in us to meet your life insurance and annuity needs.
Secondly, as you have no doubt noticed, you did not receive your May issue of William Penn Life. The reason for that is simple: there was no May issue. Instead, we have combined that issue with this year’s June issue. Similarly, the next issue of our magazine will be a combined July/August issue, which should arrive in your mail in late July. We hope to return to our regular monthly schedule soon, but as with much of life these days, how future issues will be published will be determined in large part on the course of the pandemic.
With heavy hearts, the Association’s Board of Directors has decided to cancel WPA’s schedule of fraternal activities for the remainder of the summer. Specifically, we have cancelled our Annual Golf Tournament & Scholarship Days, the WPA Picnic and the WPA Tour to Hungary. This was an extremely difficult decision, but one we felt necessary, based on the advice of health experts and government officials. We will instead focus our efforts and energy into planning the return of these events in 2021.
You can continue to rest assured that the money you have invested in WPA life insurance and annuity products will remain safe. WPA practices a sound, prudent investment strategy designed to withstand fluctuations in the market, even in such turbulent times, while maintaining sufficient reserves to meet its financial obligations. Your money is safe with us.
These are uncertain times for all of us. As fraternalists, we are at our best when we band together and support one another. Working as one – with patience, understanding and faith – we will see our way through the months ahead.