Catch the Fraternal Spirit!

Join us for a full slate of great events this summer and fall
THE FRATERNAL DEPARTMENT is hopping. We have a very busy summer and fall planned for you. I hope you are planning to attend as many of our events as possible.
Before I begin updating you on all that’s happening, I have to thank Judit Ganchuk and Dora McKinsey for all their time, hard work and support. They make my long-distance work from Michigan run as smoothly as possible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
First, I must report on the Calvin Synod Conference held in May. Congratulations to newly-elected Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. Csaba Krasznai. I know you will be a wonderful, hard-working bishop. Special thanks go to outgoing Bishop Koloman Karl Ludwig for the wonderful job he has done during his term. You are both much loved. We are looking forward to the installation ceremony and banquet.
We are already making plans for the Annual Bowling Tournament for 2017. We tried to reserve the lanes at The Meadows for Kentucky Derby day, but they were already booked. So, we will again be holding our event the weekend prior to the derby. Please mark this in your 2017 calendar.
Branch 18’s Join Hands Day project is a pleasant memory. I hope all of you are planning similar projects as there are so many opportunities to help. We are a fraternal benefit society. This is what we do. Remember, this is a matching funds event up to $500. No excuses.
Ursula Markovits and I attended the 41st Hungarian Festival in New Brunswick, N.J., on June 4. More about this in my next report.
Hungarians in the Cleveland area were to gather June 25 for Hungarian Heritage Night at Classic Park in Eastlake, Ohio. This is always a wonderful event, especially for our children. Look for a report and photos in our next issue.
The 33rd Annual WPA Golf Tournament & Scholarship Days will be held July 15 and 16 in Midway, Pa. We will have our welcoming reception, scholarship meeting and Chinese auction on Friday, followed by golf and our wonderful barbeque on Saturday.
We also support the Calvin Synod youth camp, which this year will be held July 17 to 23. Without our assistance, the camp would not be affordable for many children. I look forward to being there this year.
The Verhovay Home Association golf outing in Harrisburg, Pa., is set for Saturday, July 30.
Bethlen Communities is also hosting their golf outing July 30 in Ligonier, Pa.
Our Hungarian Heritage Experience is set for July 31 to Aug. 6 at the Sequanota Lutheran Conference Center & Camp in Boswell, Pa. Remember to bring your bathing suit because this year we have access to a pool. We are really looking forward to gathering in our new location. This facility is only about 15 minutes from where were before in Rockwood, Pa.
Toledo, Ohio, will host its 42nd Birmingham Ethnic Festival Aug. 20 and 21. This is a festival you don’t want to miss. There is something for everyone. You have many choices to satisfy your taste buds. Hope to see you there.
Our WPA Picnic returns on Saturday, Aug. 27, at the Hungarian Cultural Center of Northeastern Ohio in Hiram, Ohio. We will have many opportunities for all our many volunteers. We will need servers, cleaners, sellers and many happy faces. Please let me know where we can place you. Yes, as you know, I always say it takes a village.
Our tour to Europe is Sept. 6 to 20. We will begin in Austria, then visit Croatia and end up in my favorite place, Hungary. I missed not being there last year, so I am looking forward to going this year.
This is a special year for Hungary and those of us of Hungarian ancestry. It is the 60th anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution. To help commemorate this historic occasion, William Penn Association is helping to bring a large contingent of dancers, musicians and orators to America. The Hungarian National Dance Ensemble will be touring select North American cities this October to raise funds for a planned memorial in New York City honoring the revolution and those who fought in it. We are so honored that many of the Freedom Fighters chose William Penn Association for their life insurance and financial needs. This promises to be a beautiful program. The tour is scheduled to appear in the following cities (dates and locations are subject to change): Washington, Oct. 12; Boston, Oct. 14; Montreal, Oct. 15; Toronto, Oct. 16; Cleveland, Oct. 18; Chicago, Oct. 19; Detroit, Oct. 20; Pittsburgh, Oct. 21; New Brunswick, Oct. 22; and New York, Oct. 23. Updated information about this tour will appear in upcoming issues of William Penn Life. Stay tuned.
Many branches are also commemorating the 1956 Revolution. Please remember this very special year.
Bethlen Communities will be celebrating their 95th anniversary on Oct. 24. What a wonderful community they are. A banquet is planned to commemorate the event.
Shortly after that, our many branch family Christmas parties will begin. Please plan on attending with your members. The children really look forward to the event and, of course, Santa Claus and his presents. We had many more people attending our branch parties last year than in previous years. Thank you, and keep up the good work.
If there is anything you would like me to mention, please let me know. We must show our fraternal spirit if we intend to be around for another 100 years. Remember, we are the only Hungarian fraternal benefit society in America.
Thank you to the WPA Board of Directors, National Officers and employees for all your help. I plan on attending as many of these events as possible, and I look forward to seeing all of you at these events.
Have a wonderful summer!
Why am I note receiving the newsletter? Please resume asap
5824 Gallant Fox Ln
Dallas, tx. 75093
I could find no information on the 2016 Fraternal Picnic at Sequanota Lutheran Conference Center & Camp for July 31 to August 6. Was the picnic canceled or moved to another location? Will there be picnics held in western Pa in the future, and if so where at? I would appreciate any information you can provide.
Sincerely yours
Francis Kovach
412 Brazil Lane,Johnstown,Pa
The Hungarian Heritage Experience (aka language camp) was located there, not the picnic.
Our picnic is August 27, 2016 at the Hungarian Cultural Center of Northeastern Ohio, which is at 12027 Abbott Road, Hiram OH 44234.