Decorative - Life Insurance

Provide for your family's future

We have many plans to choose from. Please join our Association by purchasing a Life Insurance Certificate (Policy) today. We will be happy to have you as a New Member of the William Penn Association.
Decorative - Annuities

Achieve your long-term goals

We will set up a flexible account, providing you with a guaranteed future income, based on the premiums you pay. Ideal for retirement, your WPA Annuity contract is a great long-term plan for your future and for your family members.

Decorative - Scholarships

WPFA Scholarship Foundation, Inc.

Our Association and our nation have no more valuable resource than our children. The more carefully we nurture our children, the better the chances for a bright future for all of us. It is with this thought that in 1969, our Association founded the “William Penn Fraternal Association Scholarship Foundation, Inc”

Decorative - Activities

Events benefit our WPFA Scholarship Foundation.

Fraternal Benefit Societies perform charitable, educational, patriotic and sometimes religious works for the benefit of mankind. Our main fraternal activities are our Annual Golf Tournament and WPA Picnic, both of which benefit the William Penn Fraternal Association Scholarship Foundation, Inc.

Decorative - Board

Board of Directors

There are six members of the Board of Directors elected by the General Convention for a term of four years.

Decorative - Staff

Home Office Staff

The Corporate Officers and Home Office staff contribute their talents to the ideals of our Association’s mission statement.

Decorative - Agents

Sales Agents

We are licensed in the following states: CA, CT, DE, DC, FL, IL, IN, KY, MD, MA, MI, MO, NE, NJ, NY, NC, OH, PA, VA, WV, and WI.

The William Penn Association is a Fraternal Benefit Society founded over 130 years ago. Our Association operates on a non-profit basis, providing Life Insurance and Annuities to our members.


We are dedicated to a five-part mission:

  • Conduct business as an outstanding fraternal benefit society and provide for payment of death, disability, annuity, and other benefits for its members and their beneficiaries.
  • Render service to members and perform cultural, charitable, educational, patriotic and religious work.
  • Provide scholarships to qualifying members, through the William Penn Fraternal Association Scholarship Foundation, Inc.
  • Promote and provide charitable contributions to worthy organizations and causes throughout the world through the William Penn Association Foundation, Inc.
  • Promote and celebrate the Hungarian heritage and other ethnic cultures.

Active Members

Total Assets ($ Millions)

Scholarship Grants


We had an enjoyable time in Hungary with everyone. It was awesome..enjoyed visiting our new friends from last year, and will look for another trip with WPA. Memories made will be cherished forever. Thanks WPA…

Elaine Valentine

Member, WPA

Word of mouth says that William Penn Association is the place for great insurance products and great service.

I agree!

Dan Devine

Agent, Devine Financial Solutions

Our Home Office

709 Brighton Rd, Pittsburgh PA 15233


Office Hours – Monday-Friday 7:30am to 3:00pm

Address: 709 Brighton Road, Pittsburgh PA, 15233
Local Phone: (412) 231-2979
Toll Free: 1-(800)-848-7366 [PENN]
Fax: (412) 231-8535 – General Office, President’s Dept. and Secretary’s Dept.
Fax: (412) 231-4707 – Treasury Dept.
Fax: (412) 321-4193 – Annuity Dept.
Fax: (412) 586-4067 – Sales Dept.

Our Latest Blog Posts



The CARES Act and its impact on retirement plan distributions HOW QUICKLY THINGS CAN CHANGE. Last month, we were discussing the new SECURE Act and the impact it had on many of our members and their families. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the recently passed CARES...

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Coronavirus and WPA

Coronavirus and WPA

As our nation and the world continue to battle the coronavirus, we at William Penn Association continue to adapt to a new reality. First of all, we wish to thank you, our members, for your patience and understanding during this trying time. Our dedicated team of Home...

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The SECURE Act and how it may affect your retirement planning AT THE END OF LAST YEAR, a new law took effect that was designed to increase access for more Americans to tax-advantaged accounts and prevent older Americans from outliving their assets. The Setting Every...

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